POLICY ANSWERS focuses on the research and innovation (R&I) policy
The overall goal of the project is to improve innovative capacities in
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The Science and Technology Park of Montenegro participates in the "Sto
Montenegrin Science and technology park at Innovent Forum 2025: Strengthening Innovation through strategic partnerships and collaborationoz strateška partnerstva i udruživanje
The Montenegrin Science and Technology Park (STP) participated in the
Eighth call for applications within the EBRD Star Venture program
The European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) is lookin
Science and innovation for the blue economy: STP Montegro and the Institute of marine biology strengthen cooperation
A meeting was held at the Montenegro science and technology park with
Thematic sessions: Smart solution meet up – The power of sales
How does sales shape the success of innovators and entrepreneurs? In
Strengthening cooperation in the field of blue and circular economy – STP Montenegro and the Maritime faculty of University of Montenegro
The Science and technology park of Montenegro hosted a delegation fro
Partnership for a sustainable future: STP and faculty of Civil engineering University of Montenegro
The Science and technology park of Montenegro and the faculty of Civi