The Science and Technology Park presented the results of the project

The Science and Technology Park has presented its achievements to date in the WBC RRI project.

As part of the H2020 project “Development of the Concept of Sustainable Research and Innovation (RRI) in the Western Balkans: Enhancing Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems,” implemented by the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro and the NGO ZONA in Montenegro, a workshop was organized on the topic: “Presentation of Scenarios for the Valorization of the Bajo Sekulić Saltworks Area in Ulcinj through the Application of the RRI Concept.”

The general goal of the WBC RRI project is to encourage the application of the principles of responsible research and innovation (RRI) at the territorial level in the Western Balkans (WBC), with the aim of promoting a governance framework for research and development at multiple levels.

The goal of the workshop was to present the results of the activities carried out so far and to showcase possible scenarios for the future economic, tourism, ecological, and research-driven valorization of the saltworks area through the application of RRI principles.

The activities carried out so far within the project included the development of three scenarios, which were presented at the workshop. These scenarios include assumptions for complete valorization, partial valorization, or further stagnation.

All three scenarios were presented, after which the participants had the opportunity to vote for the one they considered the most realistic.

The speakers at the workshop were Radivoje Drobnjak, Program Activities Manager at the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, Tanja Rakonjac, Project Sector Associate at NTP CG, Nikša Bulatović, researcher at the NGO ZONA, and Professor Dr. Jovan Mirković.