POLICY ANSWERS focuses on the research and innovation (R&I) policy and governance systems, while also covering the aspects of education, culture, youth and sports. In


The overall goal of the project is to improve innovative capacities in less developed regions using the advantages of the circular economy. The project focuses on the

Store More

The Science and Technology Park of Montenegro participates in the “StoreMore” project, which focuses on the analysis and promotion of solutions for energy

Notification on the status of the Competition for the co-financing of innovative activities in 2022

Support Program for EUREKA Projects Program Line for Stimulating Protection and Development of Inventions Program Line for Promoting Innovation Culture Program Line for

Cash prizes for scientific achievements and registered patents or realized innovative solutions in 2022

After a two-year break, the Ministry will award monetary prizes to the most successful scientists and innovators this year. The total prize fund amounts to €8,000. The

Blue wawe week Montenegro 2022

The conference on blue economy, titled “Innovations for Sustainable Use of Marine and Maritime Resources in Our Seas,” was organized by the Chamber of

S3 Project Fair: Science and Innovation Pillars of Smart Growth in Montenegro

The project fair in the areas of smart specialization (S3), within which the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, together with the Ministry of Economic

RISE – A call has been announced for supporting young social entrepreneurs

Through a series of workshops, lectures, meetings, mobility programs, and financial support, young people will have the opportunity to learn, grow, do business, and

ICT Week in Podgorica: Numerous activities for digital technology enthusiasts starting october 3rd

It is a series of events focused on information and communication technology topics, spread across 7 days of rich content. The main sponsor of ICT Week is the honorary


With the support of a grant from the US Embassy in Podgorica, the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro organized digITrening with its partners, the Faculty of

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