
We have created Rentinator to simplify planning and cost estimation for renting spaces in the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro.

Rentinator allows for quick and easy calculation of all rental-related costs, including additional maintenance and utility expenses.

  1. Select a tenant group: Choose one of the available options from the dropdown menu. Tenant groups include startups/spin-offs and teams, legal entities engaged in innovative activities, and complementary organizations, each with its own specific pricing policies.
  2. Enter the space size: Enter the number of square meters of the space you wish to rent in the appropriate field according to your business needs.
  3. View the result: After selecting a tenant group and entering the space size, the monthly rental costs for the entered number of square meters will automatically be displayed for each year.

Enter your data and calculate rental costs instantly!

Note: All prices are exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).


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