ABBA project: Sustainable blue economy through Adriatic-Ionian cooperation

The Science and Technology Park of Montenegro participates in the ABBA project, which is supported by the European Union within the Interreg IPA ADRION program. The goal of the project is the establishment of the Adriatic-Ionian Alliance for a sustainable blue economy and the establishment of six regional centers of “Blue Excellence” in Greece, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The expected results of the project are support for the development and adoption of 30 deep-tech concepts through the promotion of sustainable innovations in the blue economy, connecting research capacities and enabling the transition from research to practical solutions, as well as testing innovative solutions to support small and medium-sized enterprises, startups and research teams.

Partners in the Abba project are: University of the Aegean Sea, Greece (GR), KiNNO INNOVATION INTERMEDIARIES LTD, Greece (GR) Venice Chamber of Commerce Rovigo Delta-Lagunare, Italy (IT) Intermodal Transport Cluster, Croatia (HR) Science and Technology Park of Montenegro , Montenegro (ME) AULEDA – Agency for Local Economic Development, Albania (AL) Agency for the Development of the Economic Region of Sarajevo SERDA, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

The total budget of the project amounts to: €1,574,323.72, of which Interreg funds amount to €1,338,175.13.

You can find more details about the project at the following link:

Implementation period 2024 - 2027
Percentage of realization 1%


The ABBA project is an international project that includes 7 partners from 6 regional centers of the Adriatic-Ionian region (ADRION).