The ABCD project is launching the Founders ABCD Deep Tech Start-up Support Program

ABCD Project launched the second edition of its Founders ABCD Deep Tech Startup Support Program (2024). The two-month startup-acceleration program

The POLICY ANSWERS Western Balkans Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers has been launched

A new career boost initiative for young researchers in the Western Balkans is kickstarting, and it all begins with mobility for early career researchers. On 28 March

Ministers of public administration, education, Ssience and innovation, and Foreign affairs and european integration visited the ongoing works at the Science and technology park

Minister of public administration, Marash Dukaj, the Minister of education, science, and innovation, Anđela Jakšić Stojanović, the Minister of foreign affairs, Filip

Valentina Radulović, the new director of the Science and technology park of Montenegro

Valentina Radulović was born in 1979 in Podgorica. She graduated from the Faculty of Natural sciences and mathematics at the University of Montenegro and earned her

A valuable donation from STP to the Montenegrin astronomical society “Podgorica”

We are concluding a successful business year with a valuable donation to the Montenegrin astronomical society “Podgorica,” a member of the Montenegrin

Competition for the selection of the executive director

Based on the Statute of STP Montenegro, the Board of directors of the “Science and technology park of Montenegro” llc has announced a competition for the

Memorandum of Partnership for strengthening DeepTech ecosystem in Montenegro was signed between the University of Montenegro and the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro

Within the new EIT HEI ABCD project a Memorandum of Partnership was signed on 1.12.2023 between the University of Montenegro and the Science and technology park of

Successfully completed workshop on saltworks management in protected areas: “Learning from the Best Regional practices to shape the Future of saltworks management in Ulcinj”

As part of the WBC-RRI.NET project, implemented by the Science and technology park of Montenegro and the NGO ZONa, we organized a workshop on saltworks management in

Successfully completed repeat training for preparing applications for Horizon Europe projects

The participants of the training have spent the past few days learning about the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 program and the funding opportunities available through it.

As part of the two-day economic conference, a panel discussion was held on the topic “Innovations: Take on the Idea”

The panel discussion on the topic “Innovations: Take on the Idea” continued the two-day Economic Conference 2023 organized by the Chamber of commerce of

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