Kick-off Webinar “EU4TECH POC – Call for Applications”

Project for Applicants from the Western Balkans Today, the call for interested participants from the Western Balkans was announced as part of the EU4TECH PoC project. The

Science and innovation drive development; we must create a stronger and more resilient economy

NTERVIEW: Minister of Science Sanja Damjanović, phd “We will now have to face the fragility of our economy, which has been too little diversified and too reliant

Online Hackathon for COVID-19 Response and Crisis Recovery

Sign up for CoronaThon and help Montenegro find innovative solutions in the fight against the new coronavirus! Podgorica, April 9, 2020 – The United Nations Development

How higher education and innovative projects help in the fight against COVID-19

World Bank Blogs On March 17, Montenegro became the last European country to report a positive COVID-19 test. Since then, the virus has been identified in 201 patients

The first joint delivery of 3D printed protective visors by collaborating manufacturers

Support in the fight against COVID-19 After the consolidation of production capacities from three informal clusters that were separately engaged in 3D printing protective

Through the joint efforts of partners, we provide support to the healthcare system

n the fight against COVID-19 At the initiative and coordination of the Science and Technology Park, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro,

The contract for the construction works of the National Technology Park of Montenegro has been signed

Strengthening the Capacity of Montenegro’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem The Public Works Administration today signed the Public Procurement Contract

3D Printing in Support of the Fight Against COVID-19

Support to the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads globally, countries are implementing various restrictions related to travel


Innovating with EU Open Data On February 19, 2020, the fourth edition of the EU Datathon competition was launched, focusing on open data. To participate in this

Urgent Call for Startups with Solutions for the Coronavirus

European Commission Fund of 164 Million Euros The European Commission believes in the creativity and caliber of European startups, as expressed in its recent

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