First-year students of MONTEB visited the Science and technology park of Montenegro

First-year students of the Economics and business program (MONTEB) from the faculty of Economics at the University of Montenegro visited the Science and technology park of Montenegro (STP) as part of the Introduction to business course. The visit was organized by professor Boban Melović,phd and course associate ms. Dragana Ćirović, with the aim of providing students with a practical insight into the operations of this institution and highlighting its importance in the development of innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems.        

The executive director of the STP, ms. Valentina Radulović, presented the infrastructure and operational processes of the Science and technology park to the students, highlighting its key role in fostering innovation and supporting startups in Montenegro. After the tour, ms. Radulović held an interactive presentation in which students had the opportunity to learn more about the mission, strategies, and goals of the STP, as well as the funding, mentorship, and support opportunities for young entrepreneurs. This presentation sparked great interest, particularly due to the opportunities offered to students for developing innovative ideas.

As MONTEB program students attend their studies in english, the visit further enriched their understanding of the business world, providing them with insights into opportunities for professional development and research at the international level.

This event was an excellent opportunity to connect theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the business environment in Montenegro. Visits like this significantly contribute to the education of young people, encouraging innovative thinking and inspiring them to launch their own business ventures in the future.