Call for Info day for the Hackathon “Equal Hack: Code for Equality”

We invite all high school students and representatives of high schools in Montenegro to join the Info day for the hackathon “Equal Hack: Code for Equality,” organized by the Science and technology park of Montenegro and the Council of Europe.

The event will take place on october 11, 2024, starting at 12 pm starting at 12 pm  in the small conference room (2nd floor) at the Science and technology park of Montenegro, with the option to follow the event online via an online platform. For more details about the event, please check the agenda at this link. link.

The hackathon is part of the joint project of the European union and the Council of Europe, “Quality Education for All” in Montenegro, aimed at promoting quality education without discrimination. Through the promotion of inclusive, democratic, and ethical principles, this program supports non-discriminatory education for all students. The project is implemented within the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” program, running from january 1, 2023, to december 31, 2026.

The goal of the hackathon is to foster creativity and engage students from Montenegro in developing innovative digital and other solutions that promote positive behavior as well as a safer and more inclusive online and physical environment. We strive to create a space where everyone can express themselves freely, without fear of discrimination or harassment. While progress has been made, barriers still exist that hinder the full participation of marginalized groups in the education system. This hackathon is dedicated to overcoming those challenges.

The hackathon is organized by the Program office of the Council of Europe in Podgorica, while the Science and Technology park of Montenegro (STP) in Podgorica serves as the event facilitator. Together, the organizers are working towards the successful implementation of this important event.

During the Info day, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the goals and purpose of the hackathon, which focuses on developing applications and digital solutions for inclusive education and combating discrimination in the digital environment. This event offers an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge, skills, and experiences that can contribute to improving the education system.

How to apply

We invite all interested participants to register for attendance (online or in person) via the form at the following link.

Join us on october 11, 2024, to learn more about the hackathon and the opportunities to participate, and discover how you can contribute to creating a fairer educational environment for all!